Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hi, m Ariel and m gonna tel u abt the effects, side-effects and the consequences of using Hallucinogens. Hope it's not too lengthy and boring!!! And hope u learn lots from this blog.... :D
And if you want to you can also read the first three posts first and then follow the Blog archive to read the rest that way it's easier! :P

Drugs are no matter of joke in today's world. Each day more and more people get addicted either due to peer-pressure, depression, curiosity or just pure fun. But no reason is big enough to get indulged into something that may result in your death.
Addiction is a disease that effects both brain and behaviors. It can cause all sorts of side-effects such as tiredness, bad-grades, hallucinations etc. Excess drug abuse may lead to death as well.
Hallucinogens are drugs that cause hallucinations. A hallucination is a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind. It may involve hearing, seeing smelling tasting or feeling something that isn't really there.Sometimes the hallucinations can be very frightening to the user. The user maybe panic stricken by what he/she is seeing or hearing and may become uncontrollably excited, or even try to flee from the terror. Hallucinogen users call these kinds of experiences 'bad trips'. People have even been known to be driven into permanent insanity due to the use of hallucinogens.But most of the time th user typically knows that what he/she is hearing; seeing; tasting; smelling etc is only in their mind and is not real an dit's a product of their drug.

An Imaginery Character

He was 20 and was looking for his big break into a bussiness firm. Being a South Indian by birth, and because Rob came from a not-so-well-off family it was hard for him to go abroad to study, so he gave interviews and sent his c.v to almost all the local companies he knew of.
As he hadn't started his career yet, his friends were all from his University.
Born to the very simple Mr. and Mrs. Gupta, Rob had always seemed too ambitious.

As months passed with no calls coming from the companies, and all his friends already having joined various firms, Rob started feeling real depressed. He didn't have a job, nor friends to hang out with....
Slowly out of depression and loneliness he started to hang out with the kids who always seemed to be standing on the street corners doing nothing. Rob had always known and his mother had warned him not to mix with these kids. But there was nothing else to do....
It first started with everyone laughing at him when he refused to take the white powder they offered. Slowly it got to his nerves... how lame can life get?? First he doesn't get a job, then his friends dithch him and now his new friends laugh at him... why does he have to be such a geek???

At first when he started taking those drugs it was absolutely euphoric. But before even a week and a half passed he started feeling dysphoric. He was really addicted to this stuff... so, he started elevating his drug doses until he reached such a point when his parents finally found out and forced him to withdraw... but that was no easy task. He had to take all sorts of therapys.
And finally when a call did come from one of the firms he didn't get the job because the company didn't want a drug addict to work for them.

Three stress free, Eudorphin releasing activities

  1. Watching T.V.
  2. Chatting, mailing, etc, on the internet.
  3. Cycling

Recreational drug user

These people take illegal drugs on rare/special occasions only for fun and enjoyment.

Drug misuser

They use prescription or over-the-counter drugs and take these drugs more frequently than is necessary, for fun and enjoyment.

Drug abuser

In my opinion, a drug abuser does/has done drugs so much that she/he finds it impossible to let go of it knowing that it's doing them bad, and steadily increases their rate of drug intake.

The School Policy on Drugs

JIS policy regarding drug use:
Jakarta InternationalSchool opperates random drug testing program in the High and Middle School whereby students are tested by using a urine analysis sample and/or hair testing sample.
If a student of JIS (Jakarta International School), is found positive ofa drug test the consequences are as follows:
First Offence
  • Parent-student-administrator/councelor conference at school
  • minimum 4 day suspension
  • 6 sessions of counceling by anapproved non-school councellor. Return to school contingent upon recieving documentation of student having attended first session.
  • Placed on regular drug testing program.
  • Indonesian police notified

Second Offence

  • Expulsion

Any student found to be in possession of, taking, being under the influence, buying, selling, giving, trafficking, aiding or abatting the propagation of narcotics, stimulants, barbiturates, suppressants, hallucinogenic substances, inhalants or marijuana. Recommended expulsion (JIS regulation 6.403R)

Some movies on drugs

1. Trainspotting
2. The Salton Sea
3. The Basketball diaries
4. Up in Smoke.


LsdI believe with the advent of acid we discovered new way to think and it had todo with piecing together new thoughts of mind. Why is it that people think it'sso evil? What is it about it that there is scares people so deeply? Becausethey are afraid that there is more to reality than they have ever confronted.That there are doors that they're afraid to go in and they don't want us to goin there either because if we go in, there we might learn something that theydon't know. And that makes us a little out of their control. He's losing his mind, and feels it going! You're intoduced to lsd, an' it's not like taking some other drug for instancelike marijuana or something, hm, well, you know, it's altogether a new thing,and you actually can have a religious experience, and, hm, and it can be evenmore important than reading the bible six times or becoming a pope or somethinglike that, you know...


Parts of the brain affected by hallucinogens are:

Cerebral Cortex

  1. thinking

  2. planning

  3. desicion making perception.


  • Altered thinking & sensory perceptions.



  1. balance

  2. coordination

  3. sense of time

  4. movement


  • feeling that time is going faster than it actually is

  • altered sence of time

Brain stem


  1. breathing

  2. heart rate


  • depressed breathing



  1. learning

  2. memory


  • learning & memory problems



  1. controls emotions

  2. controls mood & energy


  • Altered mood

Some Drug related social issues

Things that might happen to a family if a member of that family was abusing drugs or became addicted:
1.Bad behavior towards the other family members.
2.Others may make fun of the family.
3.The person addicted may start stealing ets
4.The family members may wrong blame each other.

How my family might deal with the individual?
1.Abuser becomes homeless/ decides to leave
2.Goes to/is sent to rahab
3.Shouting/yelling/getting mad
4.Restricted freedom
5.Kid not trustworthy

Could this affect the community? How?
1.Kids may think it’s cool.
2.Outside pressure( other people see that person taking drugs and want to do it too)
4.Bad influence

Advertisements of Hallucinogens


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Long term effects of using Hallucinogens

Hallucinogen use may, on rare occasions, result in “flashbacks,” or replays of the drug experience, days, weeks or even years after the drug was taken. Some people who take hallucinogens feel depressed or anxious long after they took the drug.

Types of Hallucinogens

  1. PCP (angel dust)

  2. LSD (acid)

  3. Mescaline

  4. Peyote

  5. Psilocybin (mushrooms)

  6. Marijuana(THC)

  7. Hashish (THC)

  8. Cannabis

  9. Ecstacy

  10. Salvia

Classification of Hallucinogens

Many types of substances are classified as hallucinogens, solely because of their capacity to produce such hallucinations. These substances are sometimes called "pyschedelic," or "mind-expanding" drugs. A few hallucinogens have been used in medicine to treat certain disorders, but they must be given under controlled circumstances.
Hallucinogens are not physically addictive (habit-forming). People can become psychologically dependent upon them, however. The real danger of hallucinogens is not their toxicity (poison level), but their unpredictability. People have had such varied reactions to these substances, especially to LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), that it is virtually impossible to predict the effect a hallucinogen will have on any given individual. Effects depend upon the person's mood, surroundings, personality, and expectations when taking the drug.

A Brief history of Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens have a rich history or past. These drugs were used for religious or supernatural rituals by different cultures. In the Rig Veda (the Hindu Holy Book), soma was mentioned. Soma refers to a holy substance, which was used to stimulate higher levels of consciousness, and it was thought to be derived from Amanita muscaria, a hallucinogenic mushroom. In the Pre-Columbian Mexico, the Aztecs used teotlaqualli in rituals. Teotlaqualli is a paste made from Ololiuqui, a hallucinogenic flower. When the paste was applied on the skin of the Aztec priests and soldiers, terror was eradicated and the user’s mental condition was altered in order to serve the Aztec God properly. Peyote (a hallucinogen that has mescaline) has been used by the Mexican Indians in sacred rituals for a long period. These drugs were considered as the cause of the wicked and dishonest deeds of the alleged witches in Salem, Massachusetts witch trials or assessment.

Some Videos on Hallucinogens



You may be hooked emotionally and psychologically. You may have a physical dependence, too. If you have a drug addiction — whether to a legal or illegal drug — you have intense cravings for it. You want to use the drug again and again. When you stop taking it, you may have unpleasant physical reactions.
While not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted, many people do. Drug addiction involves compulsively seeking to use a substance, regardless of the potentially negative social, psychological and physical consequences.

What are the effects of Halucinogen use?

Physical effects:

  • Increased blood pressure, and heart rate

  • Increased body temperature

  • Dizziness

  • Mydriasis

  • Sweating

Mental effects:

  • Sensory Distortions

  • Depersonalization, Dreamlessness

  • Altered Mood

  • Impaired Concentration and Motivation

  • loss of Judgement, slowed reation time.

Emotional Effects:

  • Illusion: mistaken perception of real stimuli

  • Delusion: irrational thinking

  • Confusion

  • Disassociative reactions

  • Acute panic

  • Flash backs

Bad 'Trip":

  • Acute Anxiety

  • Fear over loss of control

  • Paranoia

  • Delusions of grandure leading to self-destructive behaviors.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Some Street names for Hallucinogens are: "A", Acid, Adams, Buttons The Beast, Blotter, Blue Chairs, Blue Cheers, Blue Mist, Brown Dot, California Triple Dip, Cube, Dot, Flat Blues, Gelatin, Green Wedge, Hawk, LSD, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, M and M's, Mescal, Microdot, Mighty Quinn, Mind Detergent, Owsley Acid, Owsley Blue Dot, Pearly Gates, Pink Wedge, Pink Owsley, Purple Owsley, Sandoz's, Strawberries, Sugar Cube, Sunshine, Uncle, Vacation, Wedding Bells, Window Panes.

Why people abuse drugs:

People abuse drugs for many different reasons. Some people use drugs because of peer pressure. Some may think that they might be immune and the effects of the drugs won't effect them. When some people are stressed and need something to get them past their problems they might take drugs.
Others might take drugs just for a thrill or just curiosity. Once people get caught on drugs they usually become dependent. When people take drugs it over stimulates the reward path on the brain causing them to become dependent.